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Passion is our fuel and story is everything!

A Puerto Rican animation studio with over 20 years of experience,

We are a 2D and 3D animation and production company focusing on delivering the best work in a cost - effective way to our clients.

About us


Whether 2D, 3D, or hybrid animation, we use the best tools to create a wonderful finished product.

concepts, script,designs

and comics

From sketches to color, we provide everything you need to complete your ideas, like characters, backgrounds, concepts and comics.


From pre-production to post, we can create stellar content for animation, TV spots, social media, or films.


Don’t know how to get your idea ready to launch, or the best way to approach your project? We can help you!




She loves chickens, so much that she knows all about them and dreams of becoming a veterinarian someday.

The New Adventures of Manny The Super Manatee


Manny must unite the planet while eating lettuces.

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Mona deals with the same problems as any kid with separated parents, and does it between two magical worlds.

Tommy's World


A regular kid with autism, Tommy discovers the wonders of the world through soccer with his friends.


Press releases - January 3, 2021

Mana-T Studios apuesta a llevar la animación hecha en Puerto Rico al mercado global

La productora boricua será representada por una firma de Nueva York para el licenciamiento y distribución de dos de ...


Press releases - November 20, 2020

Think Tank Emporium to Rep Mana-T Studios Brands

The Think Tank Emporium Licensing Group in New York and Puerto Rico-based production company Mana-T Studios have joined forces with a global representation agreement for their brands.

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Press releases - November 3, 2020

Think Tank Emporium Joins Forces with Mana-T Studios

Puerto Rico-based production company Mana-T Studios has teamed up with New York’s Think Tank Emporium Licensing Group in a global representation deal for studio’s brands.

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